Friday, November 16, 2012

Requirements for Installing Joomla!

 The minimum system requirements needed to install Joomla! 1.5.x is:
1. Apache version 1.3 upwards
2. PHP version 4.3.x to top
3. MySQL version 3.23.x to top
Of the three software above we are required to configure it is not easy and requires much less time
still lay with the three items above. However, do not worry because people can easily run awampun
The third application is the one software package already provides Apache, PHP, and MySQL. There are various
web servers today, including: PHPTriad, EasyPHP, XAMP, Wamp Server, Uniserver, AppServ, and others. For
This tutorial, the authors use WampServer as a web server.

In this tutorial using WampServer as a web server. WampServer installation process is very easy and
simple as installing the program in general. For more details, follow these instructions:
1. Prepare files WampServer
2. Double click on the installer file and look wampsever installation command as follows:

3. Appears opening installation and click next

4. Window appears showing the address of the location where the application will be in tempatkannya WampServer. By default will be selected
c: \ wamp, you can change it to a


6. In the next window, you will be given the option to put a shortcut (shortcut) WampServer, as well as an icon on the desktop icon on the Quick Launch. It is up to you

7. The installation process is running, please wait a moment.

8. If you already have mozilla firefox application alert window will appear as follows:
   If you want to make Firefox as your primary web browser WampServer, please click Yes.

9. Next came the settings window Mail Server, Mail Server settings silakandisesuaikan with you. If not, click

10. Intalasi finished click Finish

11. Next, click on the WampServer icon in the lower right of your desktop and click localhost, then you will be directed to a web browser with the URL http://localhost. Or http://127.0.1/

12. Then look at the web browser will be like below and indicates the installation was successful.

13. Completed. Made it easy enough ... ☺

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