Saturday, November 17, 2012


After the installation process is complete WampServer then we're ready to install Joomla. Before the intalasi then, you have to upload the file extraction yield Joomla! to first create a webserver and database in phpMyAdmin. More details llihat following instructions:1. Creating Database through phpMyAdminatau point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin

2. Extract the Joomla! 1.5.11 to the folder C: \ wamp \ www \ website

3. Once the extraction is complete open one browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or others) then type http://localhost/website, then press Enter. Keep in mind, writing a website is not as it depends patokan.Hal folder names that have been made.

4. Stage 2 - Pre instalations Chek. By default, Joomla! check the requirements that must be met. If there are no problems, can be followed by clicking next.

5. Stage 3 - Approval of the License Agreement terms. At this stage, only memberkan information about licenses and regulations that must be dipenuhidalam using Joomla! Open Source. Press the Next button to continue.

6. Stage 4 - Database. Enter the Host, Username, Password, and Database name (check back in when making a previous database), if it is convinced press the Next button.

7. Stage 5 - Configuring FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is a protocol that is devoted to transfer files remotely (remotely). If we mengertimengenai use FTP, we can configure FTP here. Nothing needs to be configured when installing on home computer (localhost)

8. Stage 6 - Main Configuration. At this stage, we provide information regarding the name of the site and information about the user. Then enter your email address and enter your admin password so you can easily switch the facility diingat.Sebaiknya install sample data so that the website is not empty so not confusing in the later stages. If you forget to enable fasilitasini, your website will be blank. Next, click tombolNext.

9. Stage 7 - Finish.

10. Once removed sillahkan refresh URL http://localhost/website, and now on the Joomla! ready for use.

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