Sunday, November 25, 2012

Festive 'Go Green' in Children with Rap

Campaigns love of nature and the earth will continue voiced rescue people who care about the environment. The sound was improved to, sung, shouted and even that lingered in the minds of generations to come.
Message to love the trees and the environment can be delivered via rap song. Yes, rap music genre was also favored children. Coupled with songs performed by singer Oppie Andaresta
"If I say go, go! If I say green, green. If we say it together, we say what?" said Iwa K with rapping.
"Go green ...!" children shouted Elementary School (SD) Global Mandiri follow rap song sung in the tour Iwa K Bumiku Sustainable Education in Cibubur, Thursday (11/08/2012).
School of Global Mandiri, the time it had the opportunity work with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is supported by the Bank BNI, deliberately wanted to instill a love of children to their environment through a variety of ways, one of them through songs and chants Rap earlier.
"Children as usual, always respond to the good stuff with something good and positive as well. I am glad they are here to follow the songs about love to invite the neighborhood, and I hope they can also absorb the message," said Shirley Andaresta after touring the school.
"Iwa K in appearance had brought three rap songs he made spontaneous, but cool. He gives an interesting color so kids can come home here with the impression and the message to go green," he added.
Resha Rashtrapatiji, storytellers who also participated in the tour, admits also interested to learn rapping. In addition to songs and music, he wanted to combine fairy tales with rap.
"I became interested in learning to rap in order to bring a more colorful tale. Easy children receive positive message in a way that is unique," he told in previous tours.
The tour lasted 2.5 hours more, there are also a variety of fun activities related to the call to love the environment. There are reading a fairy tale about saving endangered animals are one of the only people in the Borneo jungle, followed by a movie about forest conservation, as well as planting sandalwood trees, and socializing children's song composed and sung Oppie Andaresta and Iwa K.
One of them, a song entitled "Planting Trees". Elementary school children grades 1-3 Global Mandiri's share sang along enthusiastically.
In this tour, every school in the Greater Jakarta visited the upcoming November 3 to 20 will have 100 books and album "Bumiku Sustainable" by Shirley Andaresta. Oppie deliberately making books and albums "Sustainable Bumiku" to share their knowledge of the environment to the children so that they understand the importance of maintaining the environment.
"Because, through the book and the album I want to bring my son and his friends to love the earth by planting and maintaining trees, saving electricity, water, and like cycling, as well as separating and recycling waste," he explained.

Through Fables, Children Remember Easier Advice

One of the most effective media to shape the habits and character of children from an early age is storytelling. Media is, it had always been a means of communication in early humans before writing. Of fairy tales, we can forward information and advice continuously even across generations.This was conveyed by the young storyteller in between activities Resha Rashtrapatiji Educational Tour Bumiku Lestari in SDN Petrochemicals Gresik. Resha said it was time for parents and teachers to re-use fairy tales as bait in educating children to be environmentally friendly."What are they please, then we maximize that part. Fairy tale with a more attractive package, the two messages they will remember it," said Resha to story mendongengkan After Badu in front of the students, Resha believe children can record the messages conveyed in creative figures rekaannya."Maybe not directly, they will change their lifestyle or the best behave in an instant, but the storytelling, memory able to recall such messages in the future, when children in adulthood," he said.In convening educational tour with singer Oppie Andaresta, Resha duty mendongengkan story Badu and Bejo. In the story contained a message to maintain the survival of endangered animals and trees as well as protecting the environment and the river of garbage.In storytelling, the man who also joined in the storytelling community will love this neighborhood more use of various props to support the tale that brought success."Props are important, visually, it will help a child's imagination and provide a clear logic, especially when sung by all out," he said.In a rare animal conservation campaigns through fairy tales, for example, Resha using large orangutan doll. The kids finally know that orangutans live and own a house in the woods."From there we provide a logic to the kids, about permisalan like it or not if our homes were destroyed," he said.In the fairy tale delivered man nicknamed Kak Resha also, the theme hygiene, energy saving, water saving love pasted. Through the stories of the characters who dance, kids easier to assess and absorb the messages to be conveyed.

Monday, November 19, 2012

For the Future, Children Need to Know 3R Principle

Applying the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R) or Reduced, The back, and Recycle, it was not as difficult as imagined. Children, for example, invited through waste sorting and reuse most of the items in the vicinity.As did the students grade 4-6 elementary Blue Cinere Depok in West Java, on Wednesday (11/14/2012). In the educational tour Bumiku Lestari, team World Wildlife Fund (WWF) provides a debriefing 3R interesting and fun for children.After collecting used goods, such as paper and cardboard, these students begin to think about what to do with a pile of newspapers and cardboard around them?One of the WWF team Ardhy Dinata Sitepu same could lead students to think about the beginning of the same objects originated."Paper and cardboard are made of what? From what my brothers and sisters?" he cried in front of the students and answered 'from the tree'.Ardhy also invites elementary school students interact on akibar of exploitation of trees into paper continuously. With enthusiasm, the kids gave some answers, ranging from the number of trees thinned, the more bare earth through increasingly barren soil."Now the trees are getting a bit, Brother. Environmental conditions so hot," said the Grade 4 students Zeira mengutakan opinion.Therefore, Ardhy continued, people should not wasteful use of paper-based. Additionally, 3R lifestyle must be developed. What is it?3R, wise lifestyle"We still have the 3R. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Mari with our creative recycling and reuse these papers," said Ardhy he began to demonstrate the manufacture of paper bags or cardboard frames."If we reduce the use of paper, plastic, or sterofoam, well we can save his younger brother. If we save, the trees remain, our natural resources remain abundant as we use them wisely. If we save, we are able to preserve the natural and saving the planet for the future, "he said.In addition, through 3R themed activities, children can find a wise way of life for the future. Through fun activities, environmentally friendly message easily accepted by children."If we are wasteful, then the tree is down and the animals in the forest to die, pity is not it?" he said.What about your children?

Stimulate Natural Child Through Love of Books

Increase reading and introduce the environment will be much easier when starting with children foster a love of books first. Responsible Pitaloka Book Week Dyah Ayu said, with an exhibition of children's books, students can learn to love the environment.Love of books and also developed the character through costume party of Indonesia's books. Children are invited to explore the richness of the book while playing with costume characters in it, ranging from Wiro Sableng, Jaka Tarub, to Malin Kundang.Children's books that contain a moral message to love the environment and raise natural insight, will give good input about planting the character of children."The book interesting reading as a children's book that addresses the animals, plants and landscapes, implied there was a message that they have to protect, engage, and interact with the earth. Earlier educational activities such as touring, making children want to move, read a book, memorize song , and they plant a tree, "he told after attending activities tour, Thursday (08/11/2012) afternoon.According to Dyah, the knowledge gained from the children through a series of events deepened book tour Bumiku Sustainable Education. Tour fronted by singer Oppie Andaresta is rich messages conveyed through song, music and hands-on activities, such as recycling. Children with special needs in elementary Global Mandiri also be engaged to sing."Within a week, they've memorized the song. Apart from reading books from the WWF Sustainable Bumiku, every day they hear Radio Top Primary, the school radio. So more often read and heard, the kids can do it," he said.The students of class I-VI will also be invited to a tree planting action. There are 12 trees planted on that day by the students representing each class. After that, the students of class IV, V and VI perform recycling of newsprint into paper bag, make a frame out of cardboard and a pencil holder out of used bottles.Furthermore, the students are also invited to watch a movie about the most endangered animals and need protection together. Film orangutans of Borneo to make children aware that there satawa on earth which must be protected from the threat of extinction.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


One of the features of Joomla! is pemisihan backendsehingga frontend and can easily set up and manage. Interface is presented on the website frontend, while all administrative and management tasks remaining on the backend. Some common management tasks, the script checks, send the article also accessible from the frontend. The task is to manage the content owners that will be displayed on the front page via the backend. To enter please go http://localhost/website/administrator backend.

 After that, enter the username "admin" and use the password you created during installation.

 Overview of the backend
When you first go into the backend, you'll be greeted by a control panel icon. The icons will be the fast track to the functions that are frequently visited.

 Toolbar is often encountered, and almost the same functions. For example, the following icon from the article manager.

Part Frontend

The image below is the structure of the frontend Joomla!.


On the left, we can see there are several fruit menu. Main Menu is the center of the navigation of the site. Home link on the top menu item is the connection to return to the first page. This menu will be visible in the same position on every page of the site. At the top you can see the Top Menu. Top Menu created as a quick way to enter the page-the most important pages in the site. Maybe you'll put the connection to the profile, portfolio, events, and so on.

At the bottom of the content. Content is the core of a website, it can be news, photo galleries, articles and more. Content is the main factor that determines whether your site will be visited or not. At the top there Latest News, here is a recent article made. While popular is the article that has the highest hits. Basically, the right or the left is composed of module-moduleyang controlled by the component. For more details on the modulee and components will be studied in the next chapter.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


After the installation process is complete WampServer then we're ready to install Joomla. Before the intalasi then, you have to upload the file extraction yield Joomla! to first create a webserver and database in phpMyAdmin. More details llihat following instructions:1. Creating Database through phpMyAdminatau point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin

2. Extract the Joomla! 1.5.11 to the folder C: \ wamp \ www \ website

3. Once the extraction is complete open one browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or others) then type http://localhost/website, then press Enter. Keep in mind, writing a website is not as it depends patokan.Hal folder names that have been made.

4. Stage 2 - Pre instalations Chek. By default, Joomla! check the requirements that must be met. If there are no problems, can be followed by clicking next.

5. Stage 3 - Approval of the License Agreement terms. At this stage, only memberkan information about licenses and regulations that must be dipenuhidalam using Joomla! Open Source. Press the Next button to continue.

6. Stage 4 - Database. Enter the Host, Username, Password, and Database name (check back in when making a previous database), if it is convinced press the Next button.

7. Stage 5 - Configuring FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is a protocol that is devoted to transfer files remotely (remotely). If we mengertimengenai use FTP, we can configure FTP here. Nothing needs to be configured when installing on home computer (localhost)

8. Stage 6 - Main Configuration. At this stage, we provide information regarding the name of the site and information about the user. Then enter your email address and enter your admin password so you can easily switch the facility diingat.Sebaiknya install sample data so that the website is not empty so not confusing in the later stages. If you forget to enable fasilitasini, your website will be blank. Next, click tombolNext.

9. Stage 7 - Finish.

10. Once removed sillahkan refresh URL http://localhost/website, and now on the Joomla! ready for use.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Requirements for Installing Joomla!

 The minimum system requirements needed to install Joomla! 1.5.x is:
1. Apache version 1.3 upwards
2. PHP version 4.3.x to top
3. MySQL version 3.23.x to top
Of the three software above we are required to configure it is not easy and requires much less time
still lay with the three items above. However, do not worry because people can easily run awampun
The third application is the one software package already provides Apache, PHP, and MySQL. There are various
web servers today, including: PHPTriad, EasyPHP, XAMP, Wamp Server, Uniserver, AppServ, and others. For
This tutorial, the authors use WampServer as a web server.

In this tutorial using WampServer as a web server. WampServer installation process is very easy and
simple as installing the program in general. For more details, follow these instructions:
1. Prepare files WampServer
2. Double click on the installer file and look wampsever installation command as follows:

3. Appears opening installation and click next

4. Window appears showing the address of the location where the application will be in tempatkannya WampServer. By default will be selected
c: \ wamp, you can change it to a


6. In the next window, you will be given the option to put a shortcut (shortcut) WampServer, as well as an icon on the desktop icon on the Quick Launch. It is up to you

7. The installation process is running, please wait a moment.

8. If you already have mozilla firefox application alert window will appear as follows:
   If you want to make Firefox as your primary web browser WampServer, please click Yes.

9. Next came the settings window Mail Server, Mail Server settings silakandisesuaikan with you. If not, click

10. Intalasi finished click Finish

11. Next, click on the WampServer icon in the lower right of your desktop and click localhost, then you will be directed to a web browser with the URL http://localhost. Or http://127.0.1/

12. Then look at the web browser will be like below and indicates the installation was successful.

13. Completed. Made it easy enough ... ☺